Premiere Night!

On March 5th, 2025 “Three Bad Girls Who Find a Gun and Become Vampires” officially premiered at The Heights Theater in Columbia Heights, MN. It was thrilling! (This is a joke. Watch the movie and you’ll understand).

I am so happy to be part of this movie. It was incredibly fun to film it. To see it played on the big screen was even better.

Interestingly, I found myself fully immersed in the movie. I hadn’t really expected that. I figured it would be too weird seeing myself on the screen. But I wasn’t watching myself. I was watching Queenie Bee and the rest of the cast of characters running amok in this fictional world. It was a unique dichotomy of knowing it was me, but not seeing myself at all. I’ve never experienced anything like it.

Now that I’ve gotten a taste of it, I’m eager for another chance to act. I hope I get to. I loved playing a “bad girl.” I’d gladly play another character like Queenie Bee. But I’d like to try my hand at different roles too. I’m curious to see what I’m capable of in the realm of acting. After watching my full performance I really think I should try physical comedy sometime.

Regardless of whether I ever get another chance or not, I’ll always be grateful for the experience I had here. Not many people get to act in a movie and certainly not all of them get a full-blown premiere to enjoy.

If you’re interested in watching this spoof-tastic movie, you can purchase a DVD, Blu-Ray, or digital download here:

You shouldn’t not check it out. That’s a double negative. That means you should check it out.

(That’s another joke. Watch the movie!)


Texas Women in Texas Horror


Three Bad Girls Find a Gun…