Texas Women in Texas Horror

I am honored to have been featured in an article in Fort Worth Weekly on March 5th, 2025. The article, “Shining a Light” by E.R. Bills, takes the experiences of five writers—all women, all Texan—and discusses the importance of the horror genre when it comes to illuminating the real-life horrors that women are facing in the current sociopolitical climate of the Lone Star State.

A big thank you to E.R. for reaching out to me and for including my comment that I think every aspiring horror writer needs to hear, but especially those who are all too familiar with real-world monsters.

You can read the full article here:


I also encourage you to seek out more works of horror by women. You can start with the other writers featured in this article: R.J. Joseph, Patrice Sarath, Madison Estes, and L.H. Phillips. Go ahead and give them a google. Add a few things to your TBR.

After all, how many modern-day women horror writers have you read?


Premiere Night!